親爱的会友们 大家好!
我会里正在安排发动一项 “温心送暖”活动。这活动之主旨是用手工编织 或 栽剪一些高品質之领巾,毛衣,毛巾之类的用品去捐献给一些在医院里正在与病魔战斗之晚期的 白血病患人和小孩们。医院里有時会很寒冷的。所以这一次我们打祘先编织,栽剪一些 Blanket 之类的保暖品。(來表达我们缅甸华僑们的温心与爱心。)
我们非常希望,同时也鼓励我们的会员们,他/她们的子女们乃至孙輩们都会尽力参加这一类 高尚, 有爱心的活动。我们很欢迎那些会编织,会栽剪或 会缝的会员们來参加,及指导那些虽不会但有爱心帮忙,願共襄盛举的会友和小朋友们。这次的活动已先订于 (6/29/19, 7/06/19 和 7/20/19) 三个星期六之下午 6:30 PM 至 9:30 PM 在我会会所 (Monterey Park)举办。
要参加之会友及子孙輩们若有事或其它原因没法参加全部共三次的活动也是可以理解的。我们目前暫订向每位参于者收取 10.00 美元 的布材料费。 (实际的材料费是会远远高於那 10.00 美元的. 但只要大家願意熱心参加,及一起完成我们的活动, 成功地捐贈到那些需要爱心 的病人们手上,其它 所有高出之费用将全部由我会里承担的。 我们也当然欢迎大家的温心赞助。)到了活动完满结束后, 我们会里会向每一位参于者颁发 奬状或 (Volunteer hours)证書以表揚大家及表达我们的 谢意。
谢谢大家的参于和对我们社团的旡私供献!有兴趣参于者请於June 22,2019 日前与下列之 三位活动負责人联络及報名为要.
Rachel Chhek (626)241-0926; (汉语,缅语);
MiIIennie Chen (626)532-2321; (英语);
Phyo Maung (626)400-0921; (英语,缅语)。
Hello SCBCA Members,
SCBCA would like to proudly present a new program called Passion Care Action. This program’s mission is to hand make high quality care packages that can then be donated to hospice patients who are battling leukemia. This time, we will be creating warm blankets. It gets cold in the hospital sometimes!
We are looking for participants ranging in all ages and encourage all members, their children, and grandchildren to contribute to this noble cause. No prior skills are required, although ability to sew, knit, crochet, etc. is greatly welcome. Our program will meet on three separate Saturday’s (6/29, 7/6, & 7/20) from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at the SCBCA Hall in Monterey Park. Participants are welcome to join all three sessions or any. All we ask is a $10 donation for all 3 sessions from each participant to help cover the costs of materials. The total cost of the program will be much more than $10 per person, but SCBCA has agreed to cover the remaining cost as long as each participant is willing to contribute their time and effort into making quality blankets for those in need. At the end of our program, SCBCA will issue official volunteer hours and certificates to all of our participants!
Thank you all for your consideration and contribution to our community. Please feel free to contact any of the below with your interest in the program by June 22. We eagerly await your reply.
Rachel Chhek
Program Organizer
(Chinese & Burmese)
Millennie Chen
Program Director
Phyo Maung
Program Director
(English & Burmese)
Best regards from
EC Members & Board of Directors
Southern California Burma-Chinese Association, Inc.