由本会青年组发起的“为加州医院医疗中心的病人万圣节送上关爱”活动,在副会长曹丽莉、粟丽虹和青年组 Trenton Gin 、Millennie Chen 的积极推动下,已于8/9/2019完成,以下是该活动的通告。
医院医疗中心中的许多患者无家可归和/或没有访客。 我们制作了可爱的小鬼,上面写着简短的个性化祝福语,希望能够照亮他们的节日,给予他们一些温暖!
Hi everyone! A short recap of yesterday: we made 180 Halloween meal tray favors for patients at California Hospital Medical Center. Many of these patients are homeless and/or have no visitors. We made adorable little ghosts with short personalized notes on them to hopefully brighten their days! This project was sponsored by SCBCA, who will reach out with more projects in the future!
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