新冠肺炎全球漫延,缅甸疫情严峻,急需口罩等防疫用品。缅甸駐洛杉矶总领事宇丁友U Tin Yu呼吁海外缅侨及缅华侨胞,向故鄉人民施以援手,捐助医用口罩,協助他們早日度过难关。
有意捐助者,支票抬頭请写SCBCA,並在左下方註明 《乐捐口罩》,以便集中由我會一并轉交总领事宇丁友U Tin Yu寄往缅甸有關部门。
支票請寄到杜國和Paul Taw处。(626)692-4009
地址:Paul Taw
1628 Alegro Square #E
San Gabriel
CA 91776
許秉正Phillip Kaw(626)625-3666
吕良奇 Ricky Lu(909)762-7039
杜國和Paul Taw(626)692-4009
美國南加州緬華聯誼會 啟
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Myanmar Covid-19 Epidemic Donation
The Covid-19 virus is spreading around the world, and the epidemic situation in Myanmar is getting severe. There is an urgent need for personal protective equipment supplies (PPE) such as N95 or Surgical masks. U Tin Yu, the Consul General of Myanmar in Los Angeles, has appealed to overseas Burmese and overseas Chinese to assist the people of Myanmar by donating face masks to help them in their fight in containing this deadly virus.
In order to support our second hometown and show the strong friendship of the Overseas Myanmar Chinese living in the United States, SCBCA has decided to launch the “Mask Donation Initiative” activity and hope that all our members and friends will join us in this noble endeavor.
Interested persons should make the check payable to SCBCA, and indicate “Mask Donation” at the bottom left, so that it will be sent to the Consul General U Tin Yu and forward to relevant departments in Myanmar.
Please send check to Paul Taw payable to SCBCA. (626) 692-4009
Address: Paul Taw
1628 Alegro Square #E
San Gabriel
CA 91776
If you have any questions, please contact the following persons:
Phillip Kaw (626) 625-3666
Ricky Lu (909) 762-7039
3.Paul Taw (626) 692-4009
Southern California Burma-Chinese Association
629 E. Garvey Ave, #B
Monterey Park CA 91755
Tel : (626)538-5416
Email : scbca76@gmail.com
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