美国南加州缅华联谊会 通告
负责人:杜国和先生 或 陈永联先生。
许秉正先生(626)-625-3666 或 吕良奇先生(909)-762-7039联络。
南加州缅华联谊会 董事会 敬啟
SCBCA Meeting Announcement
SCBCA board of Director meeting was held at 10:30 AM February 23, 2020.
The following resolutions were approved unanimously.
- The 2020 Chinese New Year Banquet will be cancelled for this year.
Ticket purchase money will be refund.
Please contact Paul Taw or Eng Tan : Every Sunday 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
- SCBCA Scholarship and Ping Pong awards will be awarded at Parents’ Day
or Senior Day
- The Chinese Conversation Class on Sunday will be closed indefinitely.
- SCBCA will collect donation money for the fight of CORONAVIRUS Epidemic to show our support for China.
We encourage all our members to join us in this endeavor.
All donations will be recorded and posted on the SCBCA notice board
Donation deadline: March 31. 2010
Contact: Dr. Phillip Kaw (626)625-3666
Ricky Lu (909)762-7039