广大会友们期待已久的《春宴联欢晚会》,在三月份的幹事会上一致通过將在今年4/29 举行。干事会议現场干事们和会友们纷纷解囊,有钱出钱,有力出力。欢迎大家继续支持。
Spring returns to the land and everything recovers. The large-scale activities of the Myanmar-China Friendship Association in Southern California have been stagnated for nearly four years due to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, and it ushered in the spring of Jitu.
The long-awaited “Spring Banquet Gala” was unanimously approved at the March board meeting and will be held on 4/29 this year. At the secretary meeting, the officers and members of the members donated money one after another, and contributed money and strength. Everyone is welcome to continue to support.
乐捐者请联络:Donors please contact:
许秉正 Phillip Kaw:626-625-3666
吕良奇 Ricky Lu:909-762-7039
陈永联 Eng Bian Tan:626-652-2770
The names of the 2023 annual donors of the Southern California Myanmar Chinese Friendship Association:
- 粟福祥,陈秀梅,粟丽虹…$3000
2. 吕良奇………………………………$2000
3. 许秉正………………………………$2000
4. 谢志良………………………………$2000
5. 李文泉………………………………$2000
6. 林雄鷹………………………………$1000
7. Diana Lee,Bong Hung……$1000
8. 黄娟娟………………………………$500
9. 杜国章………………………………$100
10. 谭炳辉………………………………$20
11. 苏顺路………………………………$100
12. Susan & Frank Cho…………$100
13. 陈永联………………………………$500
14. 黄兆豪………………………………$300
15. Lily Lim………………………………$200
16. 无名氏………………………………$500
17. 曹文君………………………………$200
18. 蔡煜群………………………………$200
19. 王珍轸………………………………$500
20. 楊灿云………………………………$500
21. 谢志超………………………………$500
22. 李悦添………………………………$200
23. 古寿乡………………………………$200
24. 朱徐佳………………………………$500
25. 朱雪璇………………………………$100
26. 黎天宝………………………………$1000
27. 李瑞华……………………$200
28. 丘国政………………………$200
29. 许秀兰………………………$100
30. 黄国胜…………………… $1000
31. 丘国君,陈瑞爱………$500
32. 张少应………………………$200
33. 许国柱………………………$2000
34. 中国女中……………………$200
35. 王程耀………………………$1000
36. 王岗……………………………$1000
37. 王勇……………………………$1000
38. 王强……………………………$500
39. 邱国壤,莊玉娇…………$2000
40. 杜国和…………………………$300
41. 陈谢玉娥………………………$300
42. 王锦伦,陈飞燕……………$1000
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