To promote and recognize outstanding achievement in education and/or leadership for High School and college students, SCBCA will once again award scholarships to the high achievers at this year’s Chinese New Year Celebration Banquet. Scholarship prizes to be awarded are as follows:
1st Prize: up to $1000 2nd Prize: up to $700 3rd Prize: up to $500
In addition each winner will receive an elegant plaque in recognition of the award.
High School Seniors and undergrad young adults with outstanding scholastic and/or leadership achievements are encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted now and should include:
- English and /or Chinese names. 2. Gender 3. Parents names 4. Date of birth
- Postal and email addresses 6. Contact phone numbers, cell and home
- SAT or ATC score (attach transcript) 8. High school and/or college GPA (attach transcript)
- Briefly describe outstanding achievements and submit copies of awards or certificates if any received.
- Colleges and universities applied and status of applications.
Applicant must submit a one page essay about own self: a brief life history, current activities, and future plan after school.
The application should be submitted to : mlim720@gmail.com
Deadline for application is February 12, 2019. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. After review of all applications, applicants within competitive range will be called for interview with the Scholarship Selection Committee. The tentative date for interview is February 24, 2019 (Sunday).
Awards will be handed out at the Banquet (3/3/2019).
SCBCA Scholarship Selection Committee
Michael Lim, Chair
Dr. Cho Lwin, Co-Chair
第一奖:最高至$1,000. 第二奖:最高至$700. 第三奖:最高至:$500
- 中文和英文姓名 性别 3. 父母的名字 4. 出生日期
- 邮寄地址和网址 6. 联络电话,住宅和手机号码
- SAT 或 ACT 分数(附交学业成绩报告单)
- 高中 或/大学成绩单(附带交上)
- 简略描述突出的成就,并交上所得到的奖品和奖状的副本。
- 申请入大学和学院的状况。
林鸿沛 主席
Dr. Cho Lwin 共同主席
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